Serving Staten Island, NY & New Jersey
Acupuncture Natural Wellness
Serving Staten Island, NY
& New Jersey
Acupuncture Natural Wellness ©2012
Acupuncture. About Healing & Acupuncture
Acupuncture is one of the main forms of treatment in traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the use of sharp, thin needles that are inserted in the body at very specific points. This process is believed to adjust and alter the body's energy flow into healthier patterns, and is used to treat a wide variety of illnesses and health conditions.
The original text of Chinese medicine is the Nei Ching, The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, which is estimated to be at least 2,500 years old. Thousands of books since then have been written on the subject of Chinese healing, and its basic philosophies spread long ago to other Asian civilizations. Nearly all of the forms of Oriental medicine which are used in the West today, including acupuncture, shiatsu, acupressure massage, and macrobiotics, are part of or have their roots in Chinese medicine. Legend has it that acupuncture developed when early Chinese physicians observed unpredicted effects of puncture wounds in Chinese warriors.
Today, acupuncture is being practiced in all 50 states by over 9,000 practitioners, with over 4,000 MDs including it in their practices. Acupuncture has shown notable success in treating many conditions, and over 15 million Americans have used it as a therapy. Acupuncture, however, remains largely unsupported by the medical establishment. The American Medical Association has been resistant to researching it, as it is based on concepts very different from the Western scientific model.
Acupuncture needles are always sterilized and acupuncture is a very safe procedure. The depth of insertion of needles varies, depending on which chi channels are being treated. Some points barely go beyond superficial layers of skin, while some acupuncture points require a depth of 1-3 in (2.5-7.5 cm) of needle. The needles generally do not cause pain.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are natural, safe and gentle ways of promoting harmony between your mind, body and emotions. An increasing number of people today are enjoying the benefits of alternative medicine. Difficulty with problems such as chronic pain, migraines, fatigue, insomnia, depression and anxiety can stop you from feeling able to enjoy your life in the way that you truly wish.
Acupuncture Natural Wellness
Serving Staten Island, NY
and New Jersey
Please call us at (732) 986-2378
and make an appointment today.