Serving Staten Island, NY & New Jersey
Acupuncture Natural Wellness
Serving Staten Island, NY
& New Jersey
Acupuncture Natural Wellness ©2012
Acupuncture. Frequently Asked Questions
How does acupuncture work?
From a western, scientific standpoint there seem to be many mechanisms by which acupuncture works. It works at the local level, i.e. at the point of injury or pain by releasing neurotransmitters, and allowing for better blood flow, and less perception of pain. But there are clearly more global mechanisms at play also. It increases endorphins (natural painkillers); it modulates the central nervous system, and can improve immunity.
(Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches that the needles balance the energy flow in meridians or energy channels, and thus relieve pain. But it also teaches that acupuncture can heal each of the five organs and entrails by treating the meridian that corresponding to each. The “spirit� itself can be balanced by correct treatment.)
How long does a treatment take?
The first session will take about 1 hour. After that, subsequent treatments will take less than an hour from entering the office to leaving.
Does it hurt?
A: Typically the needles are barely felt. But some patients are more sensitive than others are. In those cases, fewer needles are used, or different types of stimulation are employed.
Do you use disposable needles?
How many treatments will it take?
For acute conditions, a treatment or two can be enough (an acute back spasm, neck spasm, labor induction, etc.) but for more chronic ailments, 80% of patients will see results within 4 treatments. 90% of patients will see results within 6 treatments. If the treatments seem to be working, the goal is then to space out the therapy until no further therapy is needed or occasional “booster� visits.
Acupuncture Natural Wellness
Serving Staten Island, NY
and New Jersey
Please call us at (732) 986-2378
and make an appointment today.